Have you ever had to get something large out of the garage, say a box of Christmas decorations or your camping equipment, and that box or thing was piled behind a bunch of other things? You want to get to it quickly so you kinda maneuver your body uncomfortably through the objects in front of it (Ouch! You just stubbed your toe on an old free weight), finally get to it, awkwardly grab it (Eek- the ski poles just clambered to the ground!), turn around to try to get it out while holding it over your head (Reminder- get back into yoga to strengthen your arms…), only to trip on your way out, everything in the box and subsequent objects in front of the box tumbling to the ground in a messy heap.
Has this happened to you, or something like it?
Had you just taken an extra minute or two to move the objects that were in front of the box you wanted, you would have gotten it out safe and sound, and in a lot less pain.
Often times when I start talking to people that are interested in my 1:1 program to help heal their gut, when I explain that we start off with an elimination diet, I’m met with a bit of hesitation.
“I’ve done one before… it didn’t work.” Or, ” I don’t think I can give up ____.” I’ve also heard, “I tried it and failed at it- it was just too hard!”
First off, I would never suggest trying an elimination diet without the support of an expert. It will not work and will leave you feeling overwhelmed, disheartened, and lead to overeating when you are off.
But, with the right support (me!) elimination diets can be just what you need to start healing your gut and give you a ton of information to support you along the way.
If we start healing your gut without an elimination diet protocol, it’s kind of like trying to grab that box with all the crap in front of it. Your gut isn’t prepared. It has too many other things sitting in it and it hasn’t had time to rest and get things out of it. Adding new bacteria (even healthy bacteria) can be really disruptive, uncomfortable, and actually inflame things.
But, if we clear things out with a 2-3 week elimination diet, we give your digestive tract a break. It has time to naturally start to heal itself as all of the foods that trigger inflammation are gone. It gets to recoup and start to prepare for the healthy, diverse bacteria that is to come.
Once we have done my elimination diet protocol (btw, we first go through what real food is, how to find it in the grocery store, how to read labels, which snacks are approved, and I have all the elimination diet recipes and meal plans you need so you actually know what you are doing) and have identified foods that your gut is sensitive to, we start to load your body up with prebiotic and probiotic rich foods.
Your body, after the elimination diet, is ready to take in these healthy nutrients and bacteria, and really starts to heal itself. It heals itself so much so that you might eventually be able to add in foods that you were sensitive to because your gut no longer is constantly in an inflamed state.
And you start to experience real health… sustained energy, healthy sleep, clear thinking, clear skin, healthy digestion, fewer allergies, and possibly minimize your chronic disease issues.
I have seen this happen with my own eyes.
I’ve helped so many people heal their gut through this process. Every time I walk a client through it, I’m amazed at how much better they feel, even just a week into the elimination diet! But the key is support, and understanding what and why you are doing it.
Without the help through an elimination diet, healing your gut is MUCH harder and can be much more painful.
If you are ready to start healing your gut and feeling good, send me an email at kelseycohrt@gmail.com. We will schedule a complimentary health consultation to see if my program is right for you. Only 3 spots left for 2021!