Digestion need some improvement? These 15 recipes have you covered!
Having healthy digestion seems out of reach for some. So many people struggle with constipation, bloating, and inconsistent bowel movements.
It’s no surprise that so many American’s suffer with digestive issues. The standard American diet is incredibly deficient in fiber, our day to day routine puts a strain on our gut (pesticide overload, exposure to toxins in our beauty and cleaning products, etc.), and STRESS- who isn’t stressed?!?
These three issues are where I start when I work with my clients. It’s imperative that we do an overhaul on their diet, start doing things to support a healthy gut, and do a deep dive into stress. Without those three aspects, improving their digestion will not happen.
As I was going through some particularly supportive foods to support digestion with a client, I realized I needed to do a blog post about it!
Each recipe has an abundance of fiber and the fiber comes from a wide variety of plants.
Each recipe is made of all real food.
Most of these recipes have a fermented food in them to support gut and digestive health.
These recipes will help improve your digestion when you consume them regularly, but remember, it’s important that you also prioritize managing your stress, particularly before you eat.
A quick tip: Take 4 deep breaths before each meal. It will actually massage your vagus nerve (the nerve that signals either a flight or flight OR a rest and digest response), helping you get into the parasympathetic mode we want so we feel calm and ready to eat.
If you want a quick and easy breathing exercise to try- take a peek at my 4-7-8 routine!
This creamy, decadent smoothie has all real food ingredients, one of them being psyllium husk- a digestion superstar! Psyllium husk has loads of fiber and is known to help people that are constipated get things moving.
Not sure how to get sauerkraut in every day for your probiotic intake? Try eggs! This recipe adds it to eggs and quinoa, making a delicious breakfast bowl that will also get your digestion moving.
If you are a sweet breakfast kinda gal but are tired of oats, give this fiber rich sweet quinoa bowl a try! The prebiotics will support healthy digestion and the healthy fats will keep you full.
This quick and easy lunch recipe is full of chickpeas- a powerhouse of prebiotic fiber. The large load of fiber will definitely help you improve your digestion.
This fiber rich soup is a favorite when I want to give my digestion some help. I love it because I can change up the toppings throughout the week so I don’t get tired of the same, digestion supporting meal!
Talk about plant diversity- this one will get all kinds of prebiotic fiber into your system, helping to improve your digestion immensely!
Can we talk about how good beans and lentils are for your digestion? We want to get them in daily as they will help you reach that 30 grams of fiber a day mark. If they make you feel gassy, prioritize them for a few weeks and your gut will adjust, leading to very healthy digestion.
Easily one of the most popular recipes on my blog because it’s creamy, delicious, and loaded with fiber! This will become a staple in your routine to help improve your digestion.
This is a crowd pleaser and perfect for picky eaters. Each diner can put together the fajitas they want and still get a healthy dose of prebiotic fiber, supporting that digestive fire!
This recipe has everything you need to improve your gut and digestion- loads of fiber, anti-inflammatory foods, and probiotic bacteria. It is also delicious, easy, and can be made with mostly pantry items!
This recipe is one that is good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and will help boost your probiotic consumption. It’s super easy and will be one you keep around.
If you love noodle dishes but know that gluten is inflammatory for you (leading to bloating) you will love this recipe. It uses buckwheat noodles which are naturally gluten free, and has a decadent teriyaki sauce you will want to drink!
We know that beans have a big dose of fiber, but sweet potatoes shouldn’t be overlooked. They will help boost your prebiotic fiber intake as well, making this dinner recipe perfect for improving your digestion.
This side is a crowd pleaser, is so easy to throw together, and will leave you and your guests with lot’s of digestive fire! I like to eat it with Siete grain free tortilla chips rather than wheat or corn as both make me feel bloated.
This is one of the most delectable recipes I’ve ever created! It has raw alliums, which are one of the best sources of prebiotic fiber you can find, and is so delicious during the summer months I have a feeling you will be taking it to every potluck and BBQ during the season.
I hope you enjoy these digestion supporting recipes. They aren’t a cure all, but coupled with some gut supporting habits and managing your stress, you will be well on your way to feeling good!