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  One of my two March intentions is to walk 30-60 minutes a day. It was also my February intention and I failed miserably. But what I know is that I feel so much more energized, creative, intentional, joyful, and filled up after a good walk.   And there are actual, real studies that have […]

Digestive Health, Health and Wellness

March 9, 2023

How Daily Walks Can Improve Your Energy, Joy, and So Much More!

Walking can boost energy, improve your digestion, and many other things

  This blog post has been brewing for a while. I’ve been putting it off because, well, while I’m comfortable talking about poop and digestion all day long, for some reason, sharing my period problems with you feels kind of intimate. However, my life has literally changed because of beans in such a crazy way, […]

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

January 14, 2023

How I Healed My Periods With Beans

Learn how to naturally heal your circadian rhythms to improve your energy, hormones, and help you sleep!

Gut Health, Health and Wellness

May 14, 2022

4 Tips to Nurture your Circadian Rhythms to Improve Your Sleep

So you use coffee to help you poop… (and because you love it, it’s your favorite part of the day, and you can’t function without it)…

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

May 14, 2022

Why We Shouldn’t Be Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach (or to Help Us Poop)

Bloated and constipated while traveling? Here are seven tips to help improve your digestion and minimize bloating when you fly.

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

May 14, 2022

7 Tips to Keep Digestion Moving While Traveling

I’ll give it to you straight right off the bat- I don’t have all of the answers when it comes to sunscreen use and vitamin D intake….

Health and Wellness

May 14, 2022

Sunscreen vs. Vitamin D- Do We Have to Choose?

What prebiotics are, why they are the best thing you can consume to heal your gut and digestive issues, and how to get them.

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

April 15, 2022

A Deep Dive Into Prebiotics

A spring seasonal roundup blog post for you so that you have all of the recipes and wellness tips you need for the spring season!

Health and Wellness, Seasonal Roundups

March 14, 2022

Spring Roundup- All the Health Tips and Recipes You Need for the Season!

Here is the reason an elimination diet with an expert is crucial before you start to heal your gut and digestion.

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

February 25, 2022

Why This ONE Protocol is the Most Crucial to Heal Digestion

Daily bloating has become increasingly common over the years. With so many people dealing with gut imbalances and digestive juices not…

Digestive Health, Gut Health, Health and Wellness

January 14, 2022

4 Tips to Minimize Bloating

Check out the 'gram
